Under ‘normal’ circumstances, RIS provides comprehensive CCA/Sports programmes after school daily however current protocols prohibit such activities. We are extremely hopeful we will be permitted to resume these valuable programmes in the near future but for the time being encourage our whole school community to keep active, engage with interesting and varied activities at home and most of all, STAY SAFE! What follows in this section is information relating to the academic year 2018-19.

Physical Education and sport is an integral part of Raffles International School. We encourage students to make physical activity central to their lives, both inside and outside of the classroom.

We passionately believe a high-quality sports programme enables students to lead healthy and active lifestyles, while equipping them with valuable, transferable life skills. We are committed to provide a broad and balanced PE curriculum that relates strongly to our extensive and highly popular extra-curricular programme.

With curriculum and team sports arranged in seasons aligned with other Dubai schools for fixtures and tournaments, students have the opportunity to participate in Football, Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country, Rugby, Basketball and Volleyball with a focus not just on competition and participation at school, but also on developing a lifelong love of physical activity.

Raffles International School Sports

Sports Teams Schedule - Term 2
